
Elementary School ManagerElementary School Teacher
Elementary school TeacherMSUE2000
MA in Education AdministrationБЭЗДС2013
Elementary school TeacherZuun Bilig School2005-2007
Elementary School TeacherBilguun Nomch School2007
Elementary School ManagerBilguun Nomch School2013-2021
Teachers of the department
A. AltantsetsegClass 1а TeacherDepartment of Sciences
C. DelgersaikhanClass 1b TeacherDepartment of Sciences
S. Nomin-ErdeneClass 1c TeacherDepartment of Sciences
B. TsevelsurenClass 2a TeacherDepartment of Sciences
G. ZolbayarClass 2b TeacherDepartment of Sciences
B. UuganzayaClass 3a TeacherDepartment of Sciences
S. TumendemberelClass 3b TeacherDepartment of Sciences
A. TuulClass 3c TeacherDepartment of Sciences
B. BaasanjavClass 3d TeacherDepartment of Sciences
N. ZolzayaClass 3e TeacherDepartment of Sciences
S. DulamsurenClass 4a TeacherDepartment of Sciences
D. MunkhtsetsegClass 4b TeacherDepartment of Sciences
D. UndarmaltsetsegClass 4c TeacherDepartment of Sciences
L. JavzandolgorClass 4d TeacherDepartment of Sciences
M. MinjbadrakhClass 4e TeacherDepartment of Sciences
J. Javkhlan-OdClass 5a TeacherDepartment of Sciences
G. ByambajalCoding TeacherIT Department
K. TungalagCoding TeacherIT Department
S. BayarmaaMusic TeacherDepartment of Arts
J. AmarjargalMusic TeacherDepartment of Arts
Y. YanjinsurenArts TeacherDepartment of Arts
K. PurevsurenDancing TeacherDepartment of Arts
B. DavaadulamPE TeacherDepartment of Arts
B. NandinzulEQ TeacherDepartment of Physiology
G. BadamgaravEQ TeacherDepartment of Physiology
B. NaranzayaEQ TeacherDepartment of Physiology
T. TuvshinjargalEnglish TeacherDepartment of English
B. NarantuyaEnglish TeacherDepartment of English
D. Buyan-OrgilEnglish TeacherDepartment of English
GraceEnglish TeacherDepartment of English
TyEnglish TeacherDepartment of English

School ManagerEnglish teacher
School ManagerJet School of English2017-2019
English TeacherJet International school2021-2024
BAMSUA-School of Economics and Business2011-2015
Teachers of the department
T. AvarzedDepartment of Physiology
B. JavzanduzeeElementary school TeacherDepartment of Sciences
E. TsevegmidElementary school TeacherDepartment of Sciences
B. NaranjargalElementary school TeacherDepartment of Sciences
J. BayarmaaElementary school TeacherDepartment of Sciences
S. OtgongerelElementary school TeacherDepartment of Sciences
D. TungalagElementary school TeacherDepartment of Sciences
M. PurevsurenElementary school TeacherDepartment of Sciences
S. Rosamay English TeacherDepartment of English
O. GegeeneeEnglish TeacherDepartment of English
B. OchirdulamMusic TeacherDepartment of Arts
O. MunguntsetsegPE TeacherDepartment of Arts
G. EnkhchimegCoding TeacherIT Department

Secondary School ManagerMongolian Language & Literature Teacher
MA in LinguisticsMSUE2001
Foreign Relatiosn OfficerMIU International Institute2006-2007
Mongilian Language teacher for ForeignersMIU International Institute2009-2010
Mongolian LanguageTeacherMongolian Turkish Joint School2010-2016
School ManagerMIU Secondary School2016-2019
Mongolian Language & Literature TeacherNest Education IT School2019-Present
Teachers of the department
B. BaasanjargalMath TeacherDepartment of Math & IT
B. DulguunMath TeacherDepartment of Math & IT
B. OtgonbayarMath TeacherDepartment of Math & IT
B. UdvaltsetsegIT TeacherDepartment of Math & IT
B. UurtsaikhIT TeacherDepartment of Math & IT
B. BatmunkhIT TeacherDepartment of Math & IT
R. Bat-UlziiArts TeacherDepartment of Math & IT
N. Bat-ErdeneGeography TeacherDepartment of Physical Sciences
A. ShurentsetsegChemistry TeacherDepartment of Physical Sciences
D. MunkhnasanBiology TeacherDepartment of Physical Sciences
O. TserendolgorPhysics TeacherDepartment of Physical Sciences
G. ErdenetsetsegPE TeacherDepartment of Physical Sciences
G. BayartsetsegLiterature TeacherDepartment of Social Sciences
A. DemberelsurenLiterature TeacherDepartment of Social Sciences
T. SelengeLiterature TeacherDepartment of Social Sciences
M. DolgionSociology TeacherDepartment of Social Sciences
T. SainbayarEnglish TeacherDepartment of Social Sciences
B. EnkhbolorEnglish TeacherDepartment of Social Sciences
E. DairiimaaEnglish TeacherDepartment of Social Sciences

High School ManagerMongolian Language & Literature Teacher
Mongolian Language & Literature TeacherMSUE2013-2014
LinguistMaster at MSUE2007-2009
Mongolian Language & Literature TeacherShine Zuun Udirgach7 years, 11 months
School ManagerShine Zuun Udirgach3 years
Teachers of the department
A. JavzandulamLiterature TeacherDepartment of Social Sciences
G. AdiyaakhuuMath TeacherDepartment of Physical Sciences
D. RantsenkhorlooMath TeacherDepartment of Physical Sciences
D. OyuuntuyaaMath TeacherDepartment of Physical Sciences
M. BatkhishigChemistry TeacherDepartment of Physical Sciences
S. BoldbaatarPhysics TeacherDepartment of Physical Sciences
LaveniaEnglish TeacherDepartment of Social Science
D. MunkhbaatarEnglish TeacherDepartment of Social Sciences
T. LkhagvajargalEnglish TeacherDepartment of Social Sciences
T. ChantsalnyamSociology TeacherDepartment of Social Sciences
O. UsukhbaatarIT TeacherIT Department
B. BarkhasboldIT TeacherIT Department
S. TemuujinIT DeveloperIT Department
E. Munkh-OrgilIT TeacherIT Department
B. OrgilIT DeveloperIT Department
N. ZunbilegIT DeveloperIT Department

Технологи эрхэлсэн захирал
Компьютерийн ухааны Магистр2014
Компьютерийн ухааны Докторант2017
Программ хангамжийн багшШУТИС-КТМС 2012-2014
Компьютерийн ухааны салбарын багшШУТИС-МХТС2014-2022
Үүсгэн байгуулагчLIT Academy
Teachers of the department
А. АлтансүхПрограмчлалын багш
Б. БархасболдUX/UI, график дизайны багш
Б. БаялагмааВеб хөгжүүлэлтийн багш
Б. БатмөнхIOT програмчлалын багш
С. ӨсөхбаатарАхлах програмчлалын багш
Б. ҮүрцайхМэдээллийн технологийн багш
Л. АнужинIOT, ITPEC багш
С. ТэмүжинПрограмчлалын багш
Н. ЗөнбилэгПрограмчлалын туслах багш
Т. ТүвшинПрограмчлалын туслах багш
О. МэргэнПрограмчлалын туслах багш